799 Silver Lane,TRUMBULL CT. (203)502-8851 23 Hubbard Road, Wilton,CT. (203)529-3233

799 Silver Lane,TRUMBULL CT. (203)502-8851 23 Hubbard Road, Wilton,CT. (203)529-3233
People prepare for retirement envisioning a carefree, fun-filled time. Sadly, most fail to plan for the inevitable; the need for care. Paying for needed care often decimates family finances and leads to loss of assets: assets you have spent a lifetime amassing.
A Living Trust can help.
Whether you are an emerging or seasoned entrepreneur, having a trusted legal advisor and thought partner helps ensure the success of your business. With over fifty years of combined experience providing end-to-end advice and counsel to countless small and mid-size businesses, Giles Shipp LLC has the skill and acumen to be your legal advisor and thought partner.
While buying or selling a home can be exciting, the process from contract to close can be overwhelming. We work hard to guide the process so it is as stress-free as possible and ensures that you're fully protected legally.